Collection: Featured Artist

Supporting collaborating artists who work towards sustainability
Our first Featured Artist is Founder Jillian Eddy.

Jillian Holds a BFA in Theatre, concentrating in scenic and costume designing. She has a wide range of experiences in the arts including acting, painting, designing, tattooing miniature-building and more, some might call her a Jill of All Trades. Jillian Now lives in NYC where she works in film and television as a painter in the IATSE union USA 829.

Every day I see usable materials being discarded because in that setting …they have fulfilled their purpose because the story has been told. But these piles of scraps, were more than that, they were piles of potential, piles of ideas, piles of sparks, providing solutions to a planet sized problem." Jillian Says in her TEDx Talk at the University of Rhode Island in the spring of 2023. 

"On one side, I saw dumpsters full to the brim with usable scraps and on the other… I saw the endless potential for art, as well as  friends and neighbors in the art industry struggling with the cost and availability of these same raw materials. Problem, solution… Fuel, spark… it seemed so clear to me..."

Thank you for your support of TSP! Your purchase is helping to make our entertainment industry a leader in our universal fight for sustainability.